Monday, February 25, 2019

Mornings, cats, birds, God's provision

Mornings are my most peaceful times of the day; early mornings, before the busyness of life kicks in.

One of my favorite things to do, after reading some scripture and kissing my beautiful bride good morning, is sitting on the back porch with our cats. Cotton and Oreo seem extra lovable in the mornings. Their eyes look sleepy as they yawn, stretch, and sashay over for some petting.

Cotton prefers sitting next to me. She would sit there all day if I stayed petting her. Oreo chooses to stay on the floor and walk from my hand to the little table where he rubs his head against the metal rim.

The birds flutter to and from three bird feeders. They sound joyful singing from the trees and power lines. The red breasted robins hop around what was once Gibbs' back yard. I miss Gibbs. He was the greatest wolf ever. Robins are migratory birds. I have no idea where they are going, but they are enjoying their stop in our backyard.

Cardinals, finches, and other feathered friends eat, fly away, eat and fly away. They make me tired just watching them. They also remind me of God's Word and His promises.

Jesus says in Matthew 6:25-26, "do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into bards, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"

God does provide for the birds. You may say, "Ken, you bought the bird seed." True, but God provided the money for me to do that, so it's all God. I didn't buy the bugs or whatever those Robins are so intently looking for and eating.

Jesus knows us well. He knows we worry too much about such things as food, drink and clothes. That's why He tells us not to be anxious, trust Him, and He will take care of everything. Jesus says in verse 33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

I decided years ago to take Jesus up on this command, and you know what? Once again He's right. Through our toughest times, Martha and I have never wanted for food, drink and clothing. Even through long stretches of time not receiving a paycheck, we didn't lack anything we needed.

There are times I forget to fill the bird feeders, but unlike me, God never forgets. He keeps His promises. The birds always return, and they don't look like they've lost any weight. Why? God provides for them.

Are you worrying about your needs being met? Turn to the One who promises to meet all of our needs. Notice I wrote the word, "needs," not "wants." There's a big difference. God doesn't mention wants, only needs.

Go ahead, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Put God first in your life. As you do, He takes care of every need.

Back to the cats. Cotton wishes I'd never stop scratching her head and chin, but Oreo is over the petting and is ready to eat. I thank God for another day, give both cats one more head scratch, and pour cat food and treats into their bowls.

Now it's time to start the day. Oh, but first, it's coffee time. Something else to be thankful for.

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