Monday, January 1, 2024

Let's be Great Commission Christians in 2024

To make this year a truly successful one, then our plan for spiritual growth needs to be followed. In my previous two blogs I wrote about the importance of a spiritual growh plan; how devotionals are good to kickstart your days but aren't real Bible studies; how following a Bible reading plan that takes you through the Bible in one year is key; and how study Bibles and commentaries are beneficial; reading and praying through the Book of Psalms, the "Little Bible," is a powerful way to grow in God's Word; and how taking 30 minutes a day and working up to one hour or longer to spend time reading the Bible and praying is vitally important. Here are links to those two blogs in case you missed them:

As we implement these disciplines of devotionals, Bible reading and studying, and prayer, we are becoming disciples and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ. That's being obedient to starting the process our Lord's command to make disciples. We first have to become disciples and then make disciples. Let's look at that command, which we call the Great Commission:
Matthew 28:18-20: "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'”

Jesus calls us to be Great Commission Christians. We do that by being obedient to His commands and truly following Him. As we learn and grow we are to teach others to do the same. We can do it. It's in the authority of Jesus Christ we go and proclaim the Gospel (Mark 16:15). As believers, we are filled with the Holy Spirit who empowers us to be witnesses of Jesus (Acts 1:8). We have no excuses. We have experienced His salvation. We are filled with His Spirit. We are under His authority. Let's go and make disciples!

If you are not engaged with a local house of worship, then you need to be. Jesus established the church and we are to be part of it (Matthew 16:18). If your church offers classes for Bible study and discipleship, then attend and learn. If you are interested in the Love In Action School of Discipleship, check out our web page,

The key is not keeping all of the knowledge you gain from the Bible to yourself. We must go and share it with others.

Another key aspect of growing spiritually is what John Wesley called "Acts of Mercy." That's taking care of those in need. It may be like we do at Love In Action when we serve hot meals to the homeless, take groceries to the poor, provide showers for the homeless and wash their laundry, help the sick, etc. Love in Action was founded on Matthew 25:35-40. These are the acts of mercy we do.

Other acts of mercy could be taking care of elderly neighbors, visiting nursing homes, helping disadvantaged youth with school work, mentoring children who don't have a father or mother, fostering children, counseling women who have had an abortion or are weighing that option, reaching those who enslaved in human trafficking, etc. Acts of mercy come in different forms. If you don't know what act of mercy God wants you to do, pray and ask Him. He will show you, and then do it.

We need to combine all of this - Bible study, engaging in church, making disciples, and doing acts of mercy. You may be saying at this point, "Ken, this is all very time consuming. I'm too busy." It's all about priorities. I've had to change my priorities, and I'm so thankful I did. I've learned over the years, my walk with Christ isn't just about saying prayer of repentance, though that was the start. It's not about just going to church once or twice a week. It's a lifestyle. Either I'm living completely for Jesus or I'm not. I choose to live completely for Jesus. What about you?

I'm not perfect at it, but each year I can track my growth and like the Apostle Paul, I keep pressing on for the prize of the upward call of God to be more like Jesus.

"Not that I have already grasped it all or have already become perfect, but I press on if I may also take hold of that for which I was even taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers and sisters, I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 3:12-14

Let's determine to be Great Commission Christians in 2024. Let's put in the time and be intentional in growing in God's Word. Let's grow closer to God through studying His Word, praying, engaging in a local house of worship, making disciples, and serving our Lord through acts of mercy.

Our Lord's Great Commission is not a suggestion, it's a command. Let's be obedient and love, serve, and obey our Lord well.

If you have any questions, please email me at

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