Sunday, August 27, 2023

Starting Seminary - Step of Faith (part 2)


I was a little nervous about going back to school. It had been 32 years since I'd taken a college course, and this is grad school.

Could I keep up with everything else I have going on? My schedule at Love In Action is extremely busy. In addition to all of the ministry that we do each day, there's the studying and preparing for our weekly "Sunday Morning with Love In Action" on The Joy FM. There's the recordings of the "Love In Action Minute" on The Joy FM.

We are an international ministry, so when our part of the world is sleeping, our Brothers and Sisters in Asia are awake. There is the business side of ministry that needs to be done as well as websites and social media, and more.

I'm taking two classes this semester - Discipleship & Spiritual Formation and Biblical Theology. The first week my professors went over the syllabus for each class. Wow! All of the reading, quizzes, papers to writes, discussions to post, and a weekly small group to join had me wondering if I made the right decision.

I really knew I had. It was just overwhelming at the moment. Thankfully, I have a praying wife and two professors who are praying for us students. I prayed and felt much better about everything. Now I'm already in a rhythm. I've been staying ahead so far. I know it's early, but I'm feeling good about everything.

I don't know what kind of grades I'll make. Of course I hope I pass and make good grades, but I'm not going to stress about it. I'm not here for the grades. I'm here for the Holy Spirit to teach me what He wants me to learn.

As I work toward earning a Graduate Certificate in Theology, and perhaps a master's in theology, I'm just wanting to learn more about God through His Word. If my professors like the papers I write and the good grades come, then great. It's like I told the good folks at WBS, I'm not going there for a piece of paper. I don't need it for career advancement. I already have the best job in the world. I just want to go deeper into God's Word.

From what I've experienced so far, that's exactly what's happening. I thank God for His grace and mercy in making all of this happen. I'm thankful for my wife's support and encouragement. I'm thankful for Harvest Church and my friend who not only gave me $500, but he's also praying for me.

I'm thankful for WBS. It's an excellent seminary with professors who truly care and can rightly handle the Word of God. I'm thankful for all of the prayers and encouragement from so many. I'm thankful for our small staff and volunteers at Love In Action who step up when I need to be in class or study. I'm humbled by it all.

I thank God for the life He's given me and for His call on my life. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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