Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 27: Praying for the exploited

By Gia Hughes
LIA Director of Human Trafficking Outreach

Pray for more shelters that can provide quality aftercare to trafficking (victims) survivors. The prayer guide says victims, but that's not a word I like. People survive trafficking, just like people survive cancer or survive a category 5 tornado ... things that are out of their control. The few trafficked souls that do make it out are survivors.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7

The numbers will change. As we pray and seek freedom for those that are bound, the Lord will make it happen. When more people become aware of the signs of human trafficking - and make the call - the 1-2 percent who are being rescued right now will increase.

The need is great. There are 100,000 children being held in the bonds of sexual slavery in the United States alone, and we desperately want all of them to be free. But are we prepared if they were? Not at all.

There are not enough shelters in the United States to carry the load of those currently being rescued, but every week I read about groups that are stepping up to meet this growing demand. In Alabama, the Wellhouse ( has been gifted with two more properties to grow its facilities in Birmingham. Another group in the Auburn/Opelika area ( is currently raising funds to establish a home there. And we, at Love in Action International Ministries (, continue to seek the Lord’s direction about what He wants for our area.

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:19

The need is great, but the Lord will meet our needs as we bring our requests to Him. If we allow Him, He will use you and me to meet the needs of the needy. He is faithful.

I read a quote by Jen Hatmaker on Christine Caine’s facebook page a bit ago that said, “If we spend all our time serving saved people, blessing blessed people & discipling discipled people WHEN will we have time to connect with the lost?”

Many of those being rescued are lost and need to know our Savior, but without the proper Christ-centered aftercare, they may not ever get a chance. Has the Lord blessed you in ways you could bless others? Are you willing to allow Him to use you to be a blessing?

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